Dimensional Foam Board for The Boo Crew Podcast

No, Halloween hasn’t been moved to July, the world of horror operates year ’round. Here is our dimensional foam board for The Boo Crew Podcast. They’re going to use it as a backdrop for their booths in conventions. Another innovative use of signage could be as a background for their podcasts. After all, a horror-themed brand needs shocking signage! (more…)

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Purim Carnival Signage for Temple Judea in Tarzana

Shalom! Temple Judea just recently held its Purim Carnival event, the finale to the Purim Palooza, and Premium Sign Solutions provided complete event signage including a set of full color printed banners, ride and vendor signs as well as sponsorship posters for the festivities! Our brightly colored custom banners displayed the names of attractions, pertinent information like the schedule of events, and the sponsors of the events – which included us! Premium Sign Solutions not only provides quality signage, but is also a part of the community and its celebrations!  (more…)

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