Entrance Dimensional Letters for Mad Architects in Santa Monica

Dimensional lettering sign, nothing special to see here … except, the ivy comes off their wall by more than 14 inches. So we needed to find a way to have our letters stand off even further. Welded to 16 inch rods, these metal letters look like they are emerging from the ivy. So with these entrance dimensional letters, Mad Architects has visible signage for their Santa Monica office.


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Personal Protective Equipment for Sign Makers in San Fernando Valley

Working in a sign company requires a combination of artistic ability, skill with crafts, and a lot of power tools. So it behooves professional sign makers to don personal protective equipment when going about their tasks. Whether it’s cutting materials or using a crane to lift a sign up for installation, we must protect ourselves at all times and follow OSHA workplace safety standards. Here’s some of the gear we use to stay safe.


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