Our Favorite Clients: Thomas Starr King Middle School in Los Angeles

Thomas Starr King Middle School, one of our favorite school signs client, follows the Los Angeles Unified School District’s guidelines on instructional continuity. Namely, students are continuing their education albeit remotely using online tools. The school itself is also the site of volunteer food distribution, which is awesome.


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Our Favorite Customers: Blue Shield of California

We have done a lot of good work for Blue Shield, also known as Blue California. Namely signage for their locations like Huntington Park, Palmdale and Monterey Park. And we are proud of it because they in turn provide crucial and invaluable services to the public. In light of stay-at-home orders, they have pivoted to telemedicine to reduce the risk of contagion for providers and members alike. Here are details of how their innovative house call services are adapting to current circumstances.


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Honoring Our Favorite Customers: Jungle Boys in Los Angeles

As Los Angeles County’s coronavirus order lists cannabis dispensaries as essential businesses, both Jungle Boys stores remain open. Pre-orders and express pick ups can be made via their Weedmaps page under Los Angeles Farmers and TLC Collective. So check out times are minimized to help ensure the health and safety of employees, patients and customers. (more…)

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Why An Office Sign Package Is The Way To Go

Your business is growing and you’re moving to a new office. At this critical juncture, what you need is an office sign package. So with this, you will make sure you get all the basics: lobby sign, etched glass vinyl, inspirational wall quotes, company timeline wall, blown up product photos, Employee of the Month Signs, break room signs, suite signs and much more! (more…)

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