Using “Exotic “Language in Signs? Be Sure to Avoid Translation Issues!

Using foreign or “exotic” words in your business’ signage? Here’s a little sign advice: better be sure you understand what you’re putting up or else it might look silly to native speakers.

How about an anecdote illustrating the perils of poorly translated signage? In Shanghai,  during the run up to the Olympics, all sorts of establishments for the tourists and athletes were being built. And among them was a cafe called… “401 ERROR.” We’re not kidding! People there were taking anything they found on Google and putting it on their signs. They didn’t bother to look up what the words actually meant.


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Directional Blade Signs for Encino’s Valley Beth Shalom Levine Community Center

Over time, you can paint your facility, update the furniture and change the flooring, but if you don’t change out your signs, your location might still look like a time capsule. That’s why Encino’s Valley Beth Shalom Levine Community Center got new directional blade signs along with the other temple signs we installed.  (more…)

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Buying Signage? Here’s What Other Sign Companies Don’t Want You to Know

Buying signage? You know the old saying, “you get what you pay for?” Well that goes for signs too, whether you’re looking for high quality signage or low-end choices. We hear from customers all the time that there seems to be a huge array of pricing options as it relates to their signs.  So how can that be? A sign is a sign, right? Imagine you’re at a grocery store and you want a steak for dinner. You can get a frozen dinner containing steak or talk to the butcher and get a fresh cut of filet. They’re both still “steak,” so what’s the difference?

We’ll outline the considerable differences in the following advice for buying signage.

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