Post and Panel School Sign for International School of Los Angeles in Tarzana

With kids going back to school it’s time to freshen up the appearance of our local schools. This is a post and panel school sign for the International School of Los Angeles or the Lycée International de Los Angeles as it is also called. So with our signs the Tarzana school can welcome its students and their parents better. (more…)

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The Best Worst Business Signs

What makes a business sign memorable? Sometimes, it’s the sleek design and eye-catching colors. Other times, it’s the oops moments – typos, poorly thought-out messages, or downright hilarious errors. We signmakers have a keen eye for what makes signs great. There are plenty of design techniques we employ to make sure business signs serves it’s main purpose – to catch eyes and promote brands. But that also means we see our fair share of hilarious signs with unintended messaging. Here are a few of our favorites: Let’s explore why good design matters and how to avoid these common pitfalls!


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