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Image of A clear acrylic display with famous quotes

The Indoor Lab’s Multi Sign

Transforming The Indoor Lab with Sleek Signage and Inspiring Quotes

Stepping into a multi sign creative workspace should be an inspiring experience. After all, innovative ideas thrive in environments that stimulate the mind and foster collaboration. The Indoor Lab, a company dedicated to accelerating innovation, understands this perfectly. Recently, they’ve transformed their location in San Juan Capistrano with a series of sleek signage elements that elevate their brand identity and motivate their team.

A Welcoming First Multi Sign Impression

The journey begins at the lobby, where a custom-made lobby sign greets visitors. Crafted from brushed metal with clean, modern fonts, the sign boldly displays “THE INDOOR LAB” followed by their logo. This signage is more than just a name; it’s a powerful statement that reflects the company’s commitment to progress and cutting-edge solutions. The brushed metal material adds a touch of sophistication, creating a professional first impression that aligns perfectly with The Indoor Lab’s brand image.

Image of A brushed metal plaque with a digitally printed design and standoffs, commemorating a company milestone
Image of A brushed metal plaques with a digitally printed design and standoffs, commemorating a company milestone

Showcasing Achievements with Style

Throughout the workspace, strategically placed display cases add visual interest and provide a platform to showcase the company’s achievements. Constructed from high-quality, clear acrylic, these display cases offer a clean, contemporary look that doesn’t detract from the awards and recognitions they house. This focus on transparency reflects The Indoor Lab’s commitment to openness and collaboration.

Milestone Plaques: Celebrating Success

Interspersed throughout the office space are milestone plaques, each a tribute to a significant achievement in The Indoor Lab’s journey. These plaques, crafted from brushed metal with a digital print, utilize standoffs for a modern presentation. They serve as a constant reminder of the company’s progress, inspiring employees and fostering a sense of pride within the team.

Image of A large clear acrylic panel with a quote by Henry Ford directly printed on the subsurface, with flood white ink. The panel is router-cut with holes for standoffs
Image of A large clear acrylic panel with a quote by Henry Ford directly printed on the subsurface, with flood white ink. The panel is router-cut with holes for standoffs

Words of Wisdom: Inspiration at Scale

Innovation thrives on inspiration, and The Indoor Lab doesn’t shy away from providing it. Eye-catching quotes by some of history’s most renowned innovators adorn the walls, each one meticulously printed directly onto large, clear acrylic panels. The use of subsurface printing with flood white ink creates a visually striking effect, ensuring the quotes stand out and leave a lasting impression. The large format grabs attention and sparks conversations, prompting employees to consider different perspectives and approaches to problem-solving.

5 quotes were chosen, including one by Henry Ford: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” This quote is particularly relevant to The Indoor Lab’s mission, as it highlights the importance of thinking beyond the obvious and pursuing groundbreaking solutions.

More Than Just Signage: A Cohesive Multi Sign Brand Identity

The beauty of The Indoor Lab’s signage project lies in its cohesive nature. From the lobby sign to the milestone plaques, consistent use of brushed metal, clean fonts, and clear acrylic reinforces their brand identity throughout the workspace. This consistency creates a sense of professionalism and attention to detail, further solidifying The Indoor Lab’s reputation for excellence.

Image of A brushed metal lobby sign that says "THE INDOOR LAB" in large letters, with the company's logo below
Image of A brushed metal lobby sign that says “THE INDOOR LAB” in large letters, with the company’s logo below

Beyond Aesthetics: Fostering a Culture of Innovation

Well-designed signage goes beyond visual appeal. In The Indoor Lab’s case, the signage plays a crucial role in fostering a culture of innovation. The milestone plaques celebrate past achievements, while the inspirational quotes spark creativity and new ideas. This thoughtful integration of signage into the workspace environment motivates employees, strengthens team spirit, and creates a space where groundbreaking ideas can flourish.

The Indoor Lab’s signage transformation serves as a powerful testament to the impact that well-designed elements can have on a workspace. By prioritizing visual appeal, brand reinforcement, and inspiration, they’ve created an environment that fuels creativity, collaboration, and continued success.

Ready to Collaborate Your Multi Sign Needs

Is your workspace ready for an inspiring upgrade? Contact Premium Sign Solutions today and discover how custom signage can elevate your brand and empower your team!

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Image of A clear acrylic display with famous quotes
Image of A clear acrylic display with famous quotes