The Elements of a Sign Site Survey

Did you know that giving a quote for a sign often requires a good amount of attention to ensure accuracy? This is why we’ll do a sign site survey. Our team will head out on site, discuss with you exactly what you’d like and what your branding looks like, among other factors. So, to inform our dear customers, we’ll explain what a site survey entails:


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Make Your Establishment a Landmark with an Iconic Sign

An iconic sign becomes an institution in the community. When asking for directions, people will use that most distinct and visible outdoor sign as a reference point instead of street names. Not only are they the easiest to see, this also means that the brands these signs belong to have imprinted themselves in the hearts and minds of the people and the community. They’ go beyond promoting businesses and are integral to the local scenery and daily life – becoming landmarks.  (more…)

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Updating Your Branding? New Signs for a New Year

How was your 2018? Is “doing even better in 2019” among your New Year’s Resolutions? Then consider updating your branding and signage to improve your business’ performance. Give your establishment a fresh look, an updated brand logo, and work these into a marketing campaign to draw in more customers.

Sounds like a plan! And we at Premium Sign Solutions are here to help you realize it and revitalize your brand with our wide range of quality products and services.


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