You are currently viewing Custom A-Frame Signs for Total Testing Solutions in LA and Austin, TX

Custom A-Frame Signs for Total Testing Solutions in LA and Austin, TX

More signage for Total Testing Solutions. Our sign package includes custom plasticade A-frame signs for their parking lots. These are for both their North Hollywood, Los Angeles and Austin, Texas locations. With these signs they can not only designate parking spaces but also advertise their services. Our signs sure get around!

Custom A-Frame Signs To Improve Parking Lots

We made plasticade A-frame signs for the parking lots of Total Testing's North Hollyood, LA and Austin, Texas locations.

A-frames are easy to make signs that can help guide general traffic and make movement through parking spaces more convenient. They can be positioned almost anywhere. Moreover, aside from marking parking spaces for the business, useful for shared commercial spaces, the A-frames can also advertise services and raise brand awareness. For Total Testing Solutions, the signs advertise the availability of their PCR, rapid and antibody testing.  According to the FDA:

A diagnostic test can show if you have an active coronavirus infection and should take steps to quarantine or isolate yourself from others. Currently there are two types of diagnostic tests– molecular tests, such as RT-PCR tests, that detect the virus’s genetic material, and antigen tests that detect specific proteins from the virus. Public health professionals may be interested in the article A Closer Look at COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing.

An antibody test looks for antibodies that are made by your immune system in response to a threat, such as a specific virus. Antibodies can help fight infections. Antibodies can take several days or weeks to develop after you have an infection and may stay in your blood for several weeks or more after recovery. Because of this, antibody tests should not be used to diagnose COVID-19. At this time researchers do not know if the presence of antibodies means that you are immune to COVID-19 in the future.

Need A-frames for your parking lot? Or signs to advertise products and services? Comprehensive sign packages such as those we provided Total Testing Solutions may be what you need. Contact Premium Sign Solutions. Southern California Sign Company based in San Fernando Valley.

About the Client

Total Testing Solutions is a Los Angeles-based company dedicated to providing access to testing for local businesses.