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On the Importance of Goofing Off

We at Premium Sign Solutions pride ourselves not only in our hard work, but also in our creativity. But how do you cultivate creativity? It’s not just about logging in “creativity” hours – that’s just asking for burnout. Creativity isn’t just about repetition. Yes, it’s part of the package since the brain needs exercise to get used to thinking creatively… but even an athlete trying to reach peak performance needsĀ downtime away from the gym for his or her muscles to rebuild. For building creativity, that means taking some time away to goof off!

Playfully Productive

It might not seem “productive” if one’s just looking at an Excel sheet, but there are intangible benefits to some R&R and malarkey. Brainstorming doesn’t just occur in team meetings, people can have their Eureka Moments when having Shower Thoughts or in carefree moments when they’re acting like overgrown kids. It’s an organic process, part of the whole “thinking out of the box” shebang. Like Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes who could imagine whole worlds for Spaceman Spiff to explore in with just some cardboard boxes. We’ve got to be spacemen at some point in our lives.

Creativity Sells

What does this have to do with being a sign-maker? It might seem like nothing, but it could very well be everything! You want a creative outdoor sign or wall art that’ll turn heads in the highly competitive markets of Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley? Want a lobby sign that looks different from everyone else’s generic formal business/firm’s office logo? Need your stall or display to stick out in a crowded trade show? Then you’ll need that creativity!

If you hit a bingo, you’ll have a sign that people will want to goof around with, take selfies with, and upload and share on social media – generating buzz that’s that’s customer-generated! If you make it memorable, make it interactive, a creative enough storefront sign can even get your customers doing your marketing for you! Woah!

Exchange of Ideas

Got a creative idea for a sign? Then you know who to call. We love discussing ideas for custom signage because we want to make exceptional signs, not just from a workmanship-perspective but also from a creative one!